Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cluster Core Resources failed state. Unable to bring it back online

The cluster core resource was in a failed state after the witness went down several times. The witness came back online but the cluster resource was still in a failed state. The following errors are in the cluster event log.

Cluster resource 'Cluster IP Address' of type 'IP Address' in clustered role 'Cluster Group' failed.

Based on the failure policies for the resource and role, the cluster service may try to bring the resource online on this node or move the group to another node of the cluster and then restart it.  Check the resource and group state using Failover Cluster Manager or the Get-ClusterResource Windows PowerShell cmdlet.

The Cluster service failed to bring clustered role 'Cluster Group' completely online or offline. One or more resources may be in a failed state. This may impact the availability of the clustered role.

I am not able to bring the cluster online. The public IP address for both node 1 and node 2 in FCM has unreachable state error though I can ping both nodes by IP address and get a response.

I could not find any resolution online. So, I rebooted the secondary node and the cluster core resource came back online. I will continue to research. Please leave a comment if you encounter the same issues and have a resolution.

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