Tuesday, March 28, 2017


xp_logininfo 'Domain\ADGroup',members

xp_logininfo returns members of the AD group in SQL server. I use this command to check who has access to a database server in the AD group.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Renaming NIC , NetBios Setting, Disabling Protocols

The objective of powershell script is to automate renaming NIC, changing NetBios setting in Private and Public NIC and Disabling some protocols in Private NIC.

I created the following powershell scripts to automate the changes. The changes are necessary to set up AlwaysOn availability group severs in my process. Thank you for reading.

import-module Netadapter

Get-NetAdapter | ? status -eq 'up'| Get-NetIPAddress -ea 0 -AddressFamily IPv4 | Select InterfaceAlias, IPAddress

#Rename NIC Public 10.*
$PubNic=Get-NetAdapter | ? status -eq 'up'| Get-NetIPAddress -ea 0 -AddressFamily IPv4 | where IPAddress -like '10.*'|Select InterfaceAlias
$PubNicName= $PubNic.InterfaceAlias
$NewPublicNicName = "Public NIC"
Rename-NetAdapter -Name $PubNicName -NewName $NewPublicNicName

#Rename NIC Private 192.*
$PriNic=Get-NetAdapter | ? status -eq 'up'| Get-NetIPAddress -ea 0 -AddressFamily IPv4 | where IPAddress -like '192.*'|Select InterfaceAlias
$PriNicName= $PriNic.InterfaceAlias
$NewPrivateNicName ="Private NIC"
Rename-NetAdapter -Name $PriNicName -NewName $NewPrivateNicName

#In Public NIC, Enable NetBios over TCP
#0: Enable Netbios via DHCP.1: Enable Netbios on the interface.2: Disable Netbios on the interface.

$PubNicConfig = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "ipenabled = 'true'"  | where {$_.IpAddress -like '10.*'}
#Verify the changes
Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "ipenabled = 'true'"  | where {$_.IpAddress -like '10.*'}|Select IpAddress,Description,TcpipNEtbiosOptions |format-list

#In Private NIC, Enable NetBios over TCP
#0: Enable Netbios via DHCP.1: Enable Netbios on the interface.2: Disable Netbios on the interface.

$PriNicConfig = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "ipenabled = 'true'"  | where {$_.IpAddress -like '192.*'}
#Verify the changes
Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "ipenabled = 'true'"  | where {$_.IpAddress -like '192.*'}|Select IpAddress,Description,TcpipNEtbiosOptions |format-list

#Private NIC, Do Not Register this connection  address in DNS
$PriNicConfig = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "ipenabled = 'true'"  | where {$_.IpAddress -like '192.*'}
# Verify Wins, Netbios setting
Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -filter "ipenabled = 'true'"  | where {$_.IpAddress -like '192.*'} |Select * |format-list

#Disable Protocols Public and Private protocols

#Disable Client for Microsoft Network
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name 'Private NIC' -ComponentID ms_msclient
#Disable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name 'Private NIC' -ComponentID ms_server
#Enable Ipv6 for both Private and Public NIC
Enable-NetAdapterBinding -Name 'Private NIC' -ComponentID ms_tcpip6
Enable-NetAdapterBinding -Name 'Public NIC' -ComponentID ms_tcpip6
#Verify the changes
Get-netadapterbinding -Name 'Private NIC'
Get-netadapterbinding -Name 'Public NIC'

Changing NIC Bindings Order using Powershell Script

NIC Bindings Order

I did a lot of research on how to change NIC Binding Order using powershell. I am changing the binding Order to meet the requirement of Always On server setup. I created the following powershell script which changes registry of NIC binding. After you run the script you will not see the binding order is changed in UI but it is actually updated when you run IP config. I believe that the setting not being updated in UI is a bug in Windows.

In Adapters and Bindings tab, I move Public NIC on top of Private NIC. The powershell script will update 3 places in - Bind , Export and Route under CurrentControl set in Registry.

#-------------------------Public Setting ID------------------------------------------------#

$PublicSettingID = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPenabled = $true" | where {$_.IpAddress -like '10.*'}|select Settingid
$PubSettingID = $PublicSettingID.Settingid
Write-host $PubSettingID

#-------------------------Private Setting ID------------------------------------------------#

$PrivateSettingID = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPenabled = $true" | where {$_.IpAddress -like '192.*'}|select Settingid
$PriSettingID = $PrivateSettingID.Settingid
Write-host $PriSettingID

$BindNewOrder = @()
$writereg = $null
$Bindkey = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Linkage'
$Bindvalue = 'Bind'

#get values in registry
$BindOldOrder = (Get-ItemProperty $Bindkey $Bindvalue).$Bindvalue 
write-host $BindOldOrder


if ($BindOldOrder -contains $BindPubSettingID) {$BindNewOrder += $BindPubSettingID}
if ($BindOldOrder -contains $BindPriSettingID) {$BindNewOrder += $BindPriSettingID}
if ($BindOldOrder.count -gt $BindNewOrder.count) {$BindNewOrder += $BindOldOrder}

$BindNewOrder = $BindNewOrder | select -unique
Write-host $BindNewOrder

#Change registry valules
Set-ItemProperty -path $Bindkey -Name $Bindvalue -Value $BindNewOrder



$ExportNewOrder = @()
$Exportkey = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Linkage'
$Exportvalue = 'Export'
$ExportPubSettingID = '\Device\Tcpip_' + $PubSettingID
$ExportPriSettingID = '\Device\Tcpip_' + $PriSettingID

Write-host $ExportPubSettingID
Write-host $ExportPriSettingID

#get values in registry
$ExportOldOrder = (Get-ItemProperty $Exportkey $Exportvalue).$Exportvalue 
write-host $ExportOldOrder

if ($ExportOldOrder -contains $ExportPubSettingID) {$ExportNewOrder += $ExportPubSettingID}
if ($ExportOldOrder -contains $ExportPriSettingID) {$ExportNewOrder += $ExportPriSettingID}
if ($ExportOldOrder.count -gt $ExportNewOrder.count) {$ExportNewOrder += $ExportOldOrder}

$ExportNewOrder = $ExportNewOrder | select -unique
Write-host $ExportNewOrder
Set-ItemProperty -path $Exportkey -Name $Exportvalue -Value $ExportNewOrder


$RouteNewOrder = @()
$Routekey = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Linkage'
$Routevalue = 'Route'
$RoutePubSettingID = '"' + $PubSettingID + '"'
$RoutePriSettingID = '"' + $PriSettingID + '"'

Write-host $RoutePubSettingID
Write-host $RoutePriSettingID

#get values in registry
$RouteOldOrder = (Get-ItemProperty $Routekey $Routevalue).$Routevalue 
write-host $RouteOldOrder

if ($RouteOldOrder -contains $RoutePubSettingID) {$RouteNewOrder += $RoutePubSettingID}
if ($RouteOldOrder -contains $RoutePriSettingID) {$RouteNewOrder += $RoutePriSettingID}
if ($RouteOldOrder.count -gt $RouteNewOrder.count) {$RouteNewOrder += $RouteOldOrder}

$RouteNewOrder = $RouteNewOrder | select -unique
Write-host $RouteNewOrder
Set-ItemProperty -path $Routekey -Name $Routevalue -Value $RouteNewOrder

After you run the script, you will see the output similar to below.

The changes takes affect on NIC Binding but UI is not updated. It think it is a bug in Microsoft windows. The UI does not change even after rebooting the server.When you run Ipconfig /all on the server, it returns public ip address then private ip address.

Changing NIC Provider Order with Powershell Script

NIC Provider Order

Hello 2017! I hope everyone had a great 2016. My son was born in December 2016 and 2016 was the best year for me.

Now, I am back to my full time job. This is my first blog of 2017.

Here we go.....

Before configuring Availability Groups, we will need to configure NIC Provider Order and Binding Order. Usually, I changed them manually. If we are changing it in multiple servers, it will take time to configure them. So, I created a powershell script to change NIC provider order.

Manual Steps - Screenshots below are the steps how to change NIC provider order manually.

In Network and Sharing,
Click on Public NIC, press Alt + N , Click on Advanced Settings

Move Microsoft Windows Network on the top

The powershell script below is how to change Provider Order. I want to move Microsoft Windows Network on top of the rest.I am planning to use it in VM template deployment. Thank you for visiting my page.

$newproder = @()
$writereg = $null
$key = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order'
$value = 'ProviderOrder'

#get values in registry
$proder = (Get-ItemProperty $key $value).$value | % {$_.split(",")}

if ($proder -contains "LanmanWorkstation") {$newproder += "LanmanWorkstation"}
if ($proder -contains "RDPNP") {$newproder += "RDPNP"}
if ($proder.count -gt $newproder.count) {$newproder += $proder}

$newproder = $newproder | select -unique

#Make a string
$newproder|ForEach-Object{$writereg += $_+","}

$writereg = $writereg.substring(0,$writereg.length-1)

#Change registry valules
Set-ItemProperty -path $key -Name $value -Value $writereg

I will reboot the server to take affect the changes. 

My reference is 


How to add a Database to AlwaysOn Availability Group with four different options

To add a database to an existing AlwaysOn availability group, MS has given us four options to choose from Automatic seeding Full database an...