Thursday, January 24, 2019

JDBC Driver bad default connection string sendStringParametersAsUnicode

When you use JDBC driver to set up an application connection string to MS SQL Server database, it passed the sendStringParametersAsUnicode parameter as True if you don't define  sendStringParametersAsUnicode in the connection string specifically. The default value is True. It will cause high CPU usage on SQL Server due to implicit conversion in queries passed from the application. The default setting send all the parameters in the queries as nvarchar.
If the data type in the tables does not align with the parameters datatype declared in the application queries, it will cause implicit conversion and table scan.

We need to always set sendStringParametersAsUnicode = False in JDBC connection string to SQL server database.



Thank you for reading my post.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Create your own Microsoft Management Console


HELLO 2019!!!

I am back to work and this is my first blog for 2019. I used MMC control to group configuration managers that I need to use daily on each server. So, I would like to share this tips.

Click Run
Type MMC

After Control opened, Press Ctl+M

Add the tools to Selected Snap-ins: Choose SQL configuration manager and click Add.

Click OK after adding a few snap-ins.

Click on Save on Console and give a name.

Now, I have my console on my server desktop where I can open and check things.

How to add a Database to AlwaysOn Availability Group with four different options

To add a database to an existing AlwaysOn availability group, MS has given us four options to choose from Automatic seeding Full database an...